Craft Focus - February/March 2025 (Issue 107)

68 COMPANY PROFILE Rooted in nature Suzanne Tamar Dekel, owner of DekelDyes, chats to Craft Focus, about her sustainable, organic, fair-trade company, dedicated to making natural textiles and dyes Tell us a little bit about the company. Where are you based? When did the company start? DekelDyes is located in Israel and from the studio we ship worldwide. We’ve been working in the textile field for 10 years with the supply shop being introduced in the last six years. Who founded the company and why? I started the company. In the beginning it was a textile art project, where a lot of research went into using plants and other natural pigments for use on textiles but as an art form. Slowly, I concluded that I wanted to raise awareness on the use of natural dyes as a valid alternative to create colour for our clothes. From this, I wanted to create the shop where they have ‘everything’ that has to do with natural dyes, and while that was an ambitious plan, I have indeed succeeded to have a very diverse offering of natural dyes, mordants and blank textiles available for my clients. How has the company evolved? At first, I offered mainly finished items using various plants for printing (ecoprinting) but that changed to becoming a full-fledged online supply store. I don’t mind a challenge, so it was important for me to work with small farmers and local weavers who still create artisanal cloth. That means you have to overcome language barriers, different approaches on doing business and last but not least: how to ship all those precious materials. Not always easy but one of the things I enjoy doing most. What do you specialise in? My big love is sourcing the rarest dyes like kermes and murex, and I’m really good in teaching how to use these dyes. What gives me the most satisfaction though is my work with small-business weavers (mostly women) in rural areas to set them up for success. By purchasing their weaves up front for above market price, they can grow and prosper. I only ever want to work in this business if it creates a win for everyone.