Craft Focus - August/September 2024 (Issue 104)

9 INDUSTRY NEWS Consumer loyalty on the rise: UK public engaged in loyalty schemes The Gift Card and Voucher Association (GCVA) has released comprehensive research findings revealing the impressive engagement levels of UK consumers with loyalty schemes. According to the report, 91 per cent of the UK public are now actively involved in loyalty programmes, reflecting a broad appeal across different demographics and income levels. The survey, conducted over 1,000 UK consumers and insights from 36 GCVA member organisations, highlights that loyalty scheme participation remains robust across all age groups. 94 per cent of those aged 66 and over are engaged in at least one scheme, alongside 81 per cent of young adults between 18 and 25. Schemes also appeal to those on both high and low incomes, with 96 per cent of those with a household income of over £75,000 actively involved in such schemes. “This high engagement rate underscores the effectiveness and widespread appeal of loyalty programmes,” said Dr Hannah Shimko, Director General at GCVA. “Our findings indicate that consumers across all demographics are recognising and valuing the benefits provided by these schemes.” The report also identifies sector-specific opportunities where loyalty programmes are particularly effective. Supermarkets lead the way, with 88 per cent of consumers using loyalty schemes for their essential shopping needs. Coffee shops and cafes also see substantial engagement, with 35 per cent of loyalty scheme users enjoying rewards alongside their regular coffee purchases. Other sectors showing significant engagement include travel and airlines (25 per cent), health and beauty (22 per cent), and restaurants and food delivery services (20 per cent). “The high engagement in supermarkets and coffee shops illustrates where consumers are most actively participating in loyalty schemes,” added Hannah “Businesses in these sectors, as well as those in travel, health, and dining, can leverage these insights to refine and expand their loyalty programmes, driving greater customer retention and satisfaction.” However, the research also indicates some frustrations with how some loyalty schemes are managed, which businesses should bear in mind. Consumers often find these programmes complex and difficult to use, which can diminish their effectiveness. Additionally, concerns about data privacy and the perceived value of rewards can hinder consumer trust and engagement. “Gift cards present a powerful solution to these common issues,” continued Hannah, “They offer a straightforward, easyto-understand reward mechanism that simplifies the process for consumers. The flexibility and reliability of gift cards ensure that rewards are both valuable and convenient, addressing the complexity and scepticism that some loyalty schemes face. By integrating gift cards into their loyalty strategies, businesses can enhance user experience, build trust, and ultimately drive higher engagement and satisfaction.” Industry news Latest news from the craft industry ACID announces new CEO ACID has announced the appointment of Laura Newbold Breen as its new Chief Executive Officer. With a background in IP and a visionary approach to the future, Laura will open a new chapter of growth, development, and innovation for ACID. Since its inception, ACID has been dedicated to safeguarding the original work of creators, providing robust support and advocacy to ensure their intellectual property rights are protected. The organisation’s unique approach has been a trailblazer in the IP landscape, establishing it as a trusted ally for designers, IP creators, and entrepreneurs. Dids Macdonald OBE., ACID’s Co-founder said, “I’m confident that Laura will bring a wealth of experience and a dynamic vision to ACID. With her impressive experience in intellectual property, including leadership roles in the famous ‘Trunki’ brand, she’s well-equipped to build on ACID’s legacy. Laura’s commitment to advancing IP protection aligns perfectly with ACID’s mission and values. I’m delighted to remain as Chairman of the Board of Directors and Director of Public Affairs/Campaigning and on behalf of the Board, we’re excited that Laura will lead ACID into a bright future.” Laura Newbold Breen said, “To be handed the CEO reins by Dids is a huge accolade. My SME and manufacturing experience means I know all too well the challenges faced by so many UK businesses, of which IP forms a huge part. It’s through this experience and navigating so many challenges that I intend to inspire and nurture ACID members throughout their IP journey, ensuring they’re supported at every turn. I’m a strong believer that an organisations success relies on both a great team, and great leadership. I’m privileged to have both a great team at ACID that I can both lead and learn from, great mentorship in Dids, Nick and Ann. I know we can all learn from each other and drive ACID and its members towards a bright and prosperous future.” Visit: 